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VibroLAND is 100% natural mineral supplement intended for soil improvement, moisture regulation and better nutrient utilization from the soil.

The application of VibroLAND achieves greater plant resistance, better vegetation of all vegetable and field crops, orchards, vineyards, and olive groves.

VibroLAND in the soil:

VibroLAND is reach in trace elements (Mg, Ca, Mo, Mn, etc.) which additionally contributes to plants nutrition.


VibroLAND is produced from zeolite, 100% natural mineral rock of volcanic origin with a high content of the active substance clinoptilolite (over 80%). In the production process, it is activated by a unique technology of vibro activation of minerals - VAM, which multiplies the natural properties of minerals, thus the final product VibroLAND has a positive effect on the growth and development of plants growing in the treated soil.


VibroLAND is applied in following quantities: 200-500 kg /ha depending on the culture and soil condition.

VibroLAND should be applied all over the surface. Recommended depth depends on the root system:


It is possible to apply during the basic fertilization, and also by planting in rows, together with the seed or seedling.

VibroLAND is suitable for use in organic production.

Available packaging

VibroLAND is available in following packaging:


To achieve best results, it is recommended to combine VibroLAND with VibroCALCITE and VibroCALCITE plus.


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